Venture Capital
When is the right time to consider VC or digitalmedianew for your enterprise? Initially every entrepreneur needs to first see if they have exhausted all other options first. Typically, a company would be low on equity when considering private investors. There are however multiple sources of equity capital, including, Friends & Family, Business Angels, VC's, Corporate/Strategic Investors, Private Equity companies or The Entrepreneur's own capital. For those seeking capital of $500k+ look for VC. For techbiztrends , entrepreneurs should seek a Business Angel or Debt Capital. An understanding of the different types of funding stages is therefore useful so see below. Pre-seed funding is funding that is needed prior to physically construct the enterprise. Usually this funding goes to putting together a good business plan that can impress potential investors. Seed funding is funding that is required to start building the company. It is possible that some companies could if app...